Note: In the recipes “t” means teaspoon / “T” means Tablespoon / “C” means Cup
Old Fashioned
- Basic “Bath Bomb” Recipe
- Bees Wax Soap
- Chaga Tea
- Corn Chowder (1730’s Colonial Style)
- Dyes (Colors of Dyes from What Plants)
- Dyes (Dying Fabric with Plants)
- Fire Cider (aka Master Tonic)
- Fire Cider Sweet Pickles
- Ghee Butter
- Hand Lotion (Herb Infused)
- Honey Ginger Hard Candy
- Honey Hard Candy
- Honey Lollipops
- Honey White Bread
- Kyphi (Kaput) Ancient Egyptian Temple Incense
- Kyphi Incense Recipe (modern version)
- Mead Wine (Strawberry Melomel Recipe)
- Mead (Queen Elizabeth Metheglin (original 1800’s recipe adaptation)
- Soap Recipe (Basic)
- Sour Dough Bread
- Yogi Tea (Traditional)
Tom’s Favorites
- Cheryl’s Apple Coffee Cake (as served at Plant Classes)
- Cheryl’s Dill Pickle Recipe
- Cold & Flu Bath Bombs
- Cytronówka (Sit-tra-noof-caw) (Polish Christmas Holiday liquor)
- Frankie’s Smoked Pulled Pork
- Jalapeno Pickled Eggs
- Joint Pain Remedy Cream
- Lisa’s Famous Buffalo Dip
- Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cookies
- Pizza – 2 Ingredient Recipe
- Polish Easter Sausage (aka Polish White Sausage)
- Poor Man’s Lobster
- Potato-Bacon Soup
- Walking Taco Casserole
Plants & Weeds
- Aloe Vera Joint Pain Gel
- Asiatic Day Flower (creamed)
- Black Trumpet Truffle Salt
- Bone Healing Salve (Broken or Bruised)
- Cattail Pulled Pork
- Chickweed Pesto
- Chive Blossom Vinegar
- Coltsfoot Cough Drops / Syrup
- Dandelion Fritters
- Dandelion Wine
- Elderberry Syrup
- Essiac Tea Formula
- First Aid Salve
- Garlic Mustard Pesto
- Hand Cream (Winter Healing)
- Herbal Hand Cream
- Joint Tea – classic (Tumeric-Ginger)
- Lavender Lemonade
- Mustard Plaster (heating pad)
- Staghorn Sumac Lemonade
- Sumac Ground Lamb Kebabs
- Sumac Spring Peas
- Sleepy-time Tea
- Wild Lettuce Pain Killer
- Wound Salve (Goldenseal & Echinacea)