Private “Group Class”
This is your opportunity to have a private class for your family or small group of friends. Since it is your group the times, schedule and topics are more flexible than our public scheduled classes. You can pick any of the topics that we normally offer and we can either come to you for the class or you can come to us in NE Ohio
We have kept the rates reasonable so that those of you who have scheduling conflicts with our public classes or just want to have a more intimate one-on-one learning experience with your friends. You also get the added benefit of covering more material in a shorter time since this class will progress at YOUR pace and not that of someone else you don’t know that might be picking up the skills slower than you.
Rates are $175 per day per person (3 person minimum). For less than 3 people See “Private “One-On-One” Classes”
Give us a call so that we can give you more details or schedule a time slot for your group
Example of Private Class Options
I received a call from some in who wanted to know if we would do a Weekend Survival Class for this guy, his hunting friends, and a few family members.
The answer is “Yes we can!”
Option #1 They could drive up to Cleveland Ohio for the class and they had 7 or less the price per person would be $175 per day (class is 2.25 days long). If they had 8 or more people the price per person would drop to the normal adult price of the class of $295 plus a 20 supply fee for a total of $315 per person.
Option #2 We could drive down to their location. Their cost for this class the same as Option #1 plus my actual cost of fuel to get me there and back (I drive a Chevy Suburban that gets 15 mpg). I use MapQuest to get the mileage and time to make the trip and use the gas prices of the day I travel and just calculate it out. Plus I charge $10 per hour for my Travel Time. In this option they save themselves the drive time and the wear and tear on multiple vehicles and fuel for multiple vehicles.
Option #3 If they have a total of 12 people or more taking the class the cost is simply $295 plus a 20 supply fee plus only $10 per person to cover both travel time and fuel costs for a total of $325 per person
Weekdays are the best to set up a Private Class since most of our classes tend to be scheduled on weekends and people tend to schedule Private Classes on weekends up to a year in advance, however take a look at the calendar on this website to get an idea of what days we do not have classes scheduled. Then give us a call so we can talk further (888-886-5592)
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