Pioneers traveling from Ohio to California in the 1840’s and 1850’s did not have the luxury of Rest Areas and Convenient Stores along the way so they had to tack along what ever they would need and suppliment with game along the trail if they could find any. Guide books of the day varied, but an accepted recommendation for provisions, per adult, for the four- six month trip was:
•150 pounds of flour (some guides recommended 200 lbs);
•20 pounds of corn meal;
•50 pounds of bacon;
•40 pounds of sugar;
•10 pounds of coffee;
•15 pounds of dried fruit;
•5 pounds of salt;
•half a pound of saleratus (sodium bicarbonate);
•2 pounds of tea;
•5 pounds of rice;
•15 pounds of beans.
Dried fruit such as peaches and apples were also included as a source of Vitamin C and to prevent scurvy (dried fruit takes up less space, is lighter, and lasts longer than fresh varieties).
Spices and condiments such as sugar, mustard, cinnamon, nutmeg, vinegar and pepper were often included.