Skin Repair Hand Cream (Non-Greasy)


  • 1 C Aloe Vera Gel
  • 1 t Vitamin E oil
  • 15 drops of an Essential Oil
  • ½ C grated bees wax
  • 1/ C  oil


  1. Combine Aloe Vera Gel, Essential Oil and Vitamin E oil and combine well
  2. Set in a hot water bath to warm the mixture
  3. In a separate pan combine bees wax and oil and heat slowly until melted together
  4. Allow this mixture to cool but still be soft
  5. Combine the 2 mixtures together and whisk or blend together.  An immersion blender works well for this.
  6. Transfer into individual jars

Stores 1 month unrefrigerated or 6 month refrigerated