Zero-Friction Bow Drill Handholds

From $3.95

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Using our “Zero-Friction” Handhold will be the fastest way you will be able to learn to make fire from your Bow Drill.

These are the “thick bottomed” shot glasses that makes an excellent aide to those learning to use the Bow Drill for the first time.  It allows all of your effort to be transferred to the fire board and not cause you to make 2 coals…one in the fire board and the other in the handhold.

After you are able to get 5 or more fires with this handhold it is time for you to switch to your wooden handhold as your skill improves.  Use it in the future to refresh your skills or to teach others this ancient fire making technique.

Regular 2″ (for smaller hands) – $3.95
Large 3″ (for larger hands) – $5.95