Vials (for Medical Kits / Survival Bug Out Bags)

From $4.95


These are hospital grade, cryogenic vials that are ideal for storing medical supplies like Imodium, Benadryl, Tylenol, Aspirin and a host of other items that you want sealed away from moisture and air.  These vials fit snugly in a large rifle shell carriers (such as Uncle Mike’s Kodra Nylon Folding Rifle 10-cartridge Carrier) or other small pouches on your Bug Out Bag.

3 Sizes
1.2 mL (holds 6 Imodium tablets or equivalent)
2.0 mL (holds 5 Aspirin tablets or equivalent)
5.0 mL (holds 3 Benadryl  tablets or equivalent)

1.2 mL : 3 for $4.95
2.0 mL : 3 for $5.95
5.0 mL : 3 for $6.95

3 of each: $10.95