Fire Piston Kits

From $39.95

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For those that want to put together their Fire Piston from a kit we offer the Coco Bolo Fire Pistons in both a disassembled kit and a semi-finished kit.

String Kit Fire Piston

This Kit has all of the pieces ready to be put together to make your very own Fire Piston.  We include complete instruction on how to assemble it as well as how to wrap the string gasket (which takes trial and error to get the correct tightness so plunger fits into cylinder).
Price: $ 39.95


Semi-Finished String Fire Piston

This kit has been assembled with the string gasket wrapped.  It is has been pre-tested to confirm it will make a coal.  You will need to shape , sand and finish the outside of the cylinder and cap to whatever shape and finish you want.
Price $49.95


Semi-Finished O-ring Fire Piston

This kit has been assembled and pre-tested to confirm it will make a coal.  You will need to shape , sand and finish the outside of the cylinder and cap to whatever shape and finish you want.
Price $ 49.95