Stop by the Midwest Native Skills Primitive Fire Making booth on September 10, from 10 a.m. -3 p.m. at Vermilion River Reservation- Mill Hollow for a jam packed day of adventure fun at our Annual Adventure Fest. Enjoy a wide range of activities including archery, rock wall, pony rides, disc golf, pioneer and yard games and geo -caching. See live demos on spinning and weaving, cast iron cooking, wood carving and bee keeping. Enjoy live music, arts, crafts and food vendors.
Don’t forget your fishing pole, for the fishing derby sponsored by Cabela’s of Avon. The derby will be held 10am- noon and all participates need to register at the Carriage barn prior to fishing. Prizes award per age group 5 and under, 6-10 years and 11-15 years.
For more adventure, pick up an Adventure Fest Passport at the Carriage Barn, complete the adventure activities and redeem for a prize! The Benjamin Bacon House will be open for tours.
•Little Green Choo Train Rides
•Paddling Pool (try out Stand-up Paddle Boards and Kayaking)
•Sled Dogs
•Pioneer Games
•Yard Games
•Bacon House Tours
•Spinning and Weaving Demos in Bacon House (Lorain County Spinners and Weavers)
•Cast Iron Cooking Demos
•Face Painting in the Carriage Barn
•Rock Wall
•Archery (8 years and up) with Black River Archery
•Pony Rides
•Astronomy with Black River Astronomical Society
•Woodcarving with Lorain County Woodcarvers
•Disc Golf
•Dugout Canoe Demos
•Geo-caching (find coordinates for Adventure Fest geo-cache on Passport)
•Fun Fishing Pond
•Live Music, 11am-3pm – Jim Schafer
•Duck Hunting and Optics with Cabela’s
•Knot Tying with “Spirit of America” Youth Boating Education
•And more!