Essential Oil Dilution Table

The table below can help determine the right amount of drops to use if you are interested in mixing your own blends of essential oils.

Essential Oil Dilution Guidelines (EO = Essential Oil)

Dilution  1%
 3%  5%  10%  25%
Drops of EO per 1 tsp of carrier oil 1 2 3 5 10 25
Drops of EO per 2 tsp of carrier oil 2 4 6 10 20 50
Drops of EO per 3 tsp of carrier oil 3 6 9 15 30 75
Drops of EO per 4 tsp of carrier oil 4 8 12 20 40 100
Drops of EO per 5 tsp of carrier oil 5 10 15 25 50 125
Drops of EO per 6 tsp of carrier oil 6 12 18 30 60 150

Essential Oil Measurement Equivalents

100 drops = 1 tsp = 5mL = 1/6 ounce

200 drops = 2 tsp = 10mL = 1/3 ounce

300 drops = 3 tsp = 15mL = 1/2 ounce

400 drops = 4 tsp = 20mL = 2/3 ounce

500 drops = 5 tsp = 25mL = 5/6 ounce

600 drops = 6 tsp = 30mL = 1 ounce