Boy Scout Programs

Boy Scout Workshops                               
Over the last  five years we have been contacted by various groups asking for customized classes for their boys and girls.  These troops were looking for alternative avenues to  help their troops learn “real outdoor skills” and self-confidence in their own abilities or simply the skills needed to earn various merit badges.  These classes were so successful that we decided to put together a flexible curriculum especially for scout troops.  This flexile curriculum allows Scout Leaders and their troops to design a tailor made wilderness skills experience just for them. These workshops can be 1 day long or an weekend (Friday night, Saturday and Sunday) and are taught by our “full time” instructors. Designing an event is as easy as 1-2-3.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Step 1 – Decide how extensive of a program you want -a day (8 hrs.), a weekend (Friday evening thru Sunday afternoon)
  • Step 2 – Look over the Basic Agendas (below), then ask your troop to determine which topics they are interested adding or deleting.  If you are trying to earn a particular set of badges or are preparing for a regional event, choosing the appropriate topics will be easy.  Take a look at the “Additional Topics” so you know what else is available and what topics you might want to swap out and tailor the experience to match your Troops specific needs.
  • Step 3 – Call us (888-886-5592) to verify the dates are available and to reserve that date for your wilderness workshop event.

Program pricing
A one day weekend (8 hour) program is $35 per Scout (weekday program $30 per Scout)
A weekend Program (Friday night to Sunday) is $70 per Scout (weekday programs $65 per Scout)Boy_Sc4

It’s your choice to where the program can be held.  Typically most Troops elect to have it at a Boy Scout Camp in their area however you can also bring your Troop to our location jut south of Cleveland, Ohio.  We have also done classes on the property of one of the Scouts families since all we need is about an acre of woods and a field to camp out in.

Transportation Cost
Naturally there is no cost if you come to us, however if you decide it would be easier for us to come to you we only ask that you pay the actual fuel costs to get us there and home and $10 per hour for our driving time.  The time and distance will be determined via Map Quest.  Our Suburban pulling our 18 foot “School trailer” gets 11 mpg and the fuel cost will be the actual cost of regular unleaded fuel at the time of the class.

We nave found that it works well for your Troop to bring the food for the class.  You know what your Boy_Sc1boys like to eat and don’t like.  This also frees us up to devote more time to teaching skills and less time dedicated to preparing meals.  Our objective is to teach your Troop as much as we can in the time that we are together.

Optional Materials Fees
All materials and supplies are included with our standard class agenda.  Additional materials fee will only apply to those activities that YOU elect to do with your troop.  For example if you want each scout to carve their own Bow Drill Set to take home during the workshop we expedite the carving process by supplying the wood for the Bow, Spindle, Fireboard and Handhold at a cost of $11 per participant.  There would be no materials fee if you elect to have your troop learn the Bow Drill Fire Making Process using the sets we have on hand.  Other potential material fee activities are:

– Bow Drill Set to carve and take home (complete) – $11 (wood cost) per scout
– Fish Filleting (you can supply the fish or we can bring it at approx. $4-$5 per 1 lb. fish) White Bass, Perch or similar fish work the best
– Atlatl (if you would like each participant to make and take home an atlatl and darts) Nanticoke Atlatl Kit with 3 six foot darts – $48 / Additional Dart Kit $10  .
– Boomerang – Blanks are $10 per unfinished blank and come in both left and right handed designs.
– Beef Jerky we can supply the meat at market price or you can supply the approx 4 lbs of London Broil, venison or any other Low fat, minimal marbled meat

One Day Agenda

Weekend Agenda

Additional Topics